How do you compare a rewritten query to its original version? Most of the time I just run a MINUS operation on the original and new query. Actually I execute two. Old query (A) MINUS New query (B) and vice versa (B) MINUS (A). Both should result in no rows. That way I thought I had proven that the resultsets for both queries are equal.
But there is a flaw in this assumption.
What if there are duplicate rows in one of the resultsets? The MINUS operator removes a row the resultset if it exists in both collections. But if one of the collections has the row twice and the other collection has it one, then it is completely removed.
Let’s say we have two queries:
-- first query select 'alpha' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'charlie' nato_spelling from dual
NATO_SPELLING ------------- alpha bravo bravo charlie
-- second query select 'alpha' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'charlie' nato_spelling from dual
NATO_SPELLING ------------- alpha bravo charlie
As you can see, by just eye-balling the queries the resultsets are different.
But when you execute the minus operator on the queries you’ll get the impression the resultsets are the same:
select * from ((-- first query select 'alpha' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'charlie' nato_spelling from dual ) MINUS (-- second query select 'alpha' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'charlie' nato_spelling from dual ) )
NATO_SPELLING ----------------------------
select * from ((-- second query select 'alpha' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'charlie' nato_spelling from dual ) MINUS (-- first query select 'alpha' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'charlie' nato_spelling from dual ) )
NATO_SPELLING ----------------------------
It gets worse when you compare queries that include a UNION or a UNION ALL operator:
select * from ( (-- first query select 'alpha' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'charlie' nato_spelling from dual ) UNION (-- third query select 'x-ray' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'yankee' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'zulu' nato_spelling from dual ) )
NATO_SPELLING ------------- alpha bravo charlie x-ray yankee zulu 6 rows selected
select * from ( (-- first query select 'alpha' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'charlie' nato_spelling from dual ) UNION ALL (-- third query select 'x-ray' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'yankee' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'zulu' nato_spelling from dual ) )
NATO_SPELLING ------------- alpha bravo bravo charlie x-ray yankee zulu 7 rows selected
Clearly the results are different. This is because of how the UNION operator works. It remove duplicates from the resultset. But, when I check it using the MINUS operator (both ways):
select * from ( (select * from ( (-- first query select 'alpha' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'charlie' nato_spelling from dual ) UNION (-- third query select 'x-ray' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'yankee' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'zulu' nato_spelling from dual ) ) ) MINUS (select * from ( (-- first query select 'alpha' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'charlie' nato_spelling from dual ) UNION ALL (-- third query select 'x-ray' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'yankee' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'zulu' nato_spelling from dual ) ) ) )
NATO_SPELLING -------------
select * from ( (select * from ( (-- first query select 'alpha' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'charlie' nato_spelling from dual ) UNION ALL (-- third query select 'x-ray' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'yankee' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'zulu' nato_spelling from dual ) ) ) MINUS (select * from ( (-- first query select 'alpha' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'bravo' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'charlie' nato_spelling from dual ) UNION (-- third query select 'x-ray' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'yankee' nato_spelling from dual union all select 'zulu' nato_spelling from dual ) ) ) )
NATO_SPELLING -------------
These results tell me the queries have the same resultsets, when in fact they do not.
A simple (extra) check could be to check if both queries have the same number of rows in the resultset.
In my opinion the resultsets are equal when both the MINUS queries give no results AND the count of the individual queries are the same.
Is there something I am still missing here?
I hope not.
Adding the count makes it a bit more robust, but not enough.
If ‘alpha’ is a duplicate in query 1 and ‘bravo’ is a duplicate lin query 2, your counts will also be the same.
I would suggest adding a
Count(*) over (partition by nato_spelling) occurrences
To both queries and then do both minus operations.
That way a specific nato_spelling is only removed by the minus if the occurrences in both queries are the same.
If you’re interested, I wrote a series of blog posts about comparing tables or queries:
The first post in that list explains the GROUP BY method popularized by Tom Kyte.
The last post includes a package I wrote that generates the SQL to do the comparison.
Best regards, Stew Ashton
In such cases I use a full outer join on the primary key or some unique key. in your sample I used the following statement to find the difference:
with my_old_data
as (
select ‘alpha’ nato_spelling from dual union all
select ‘bravo’ nato_spelling from dual union all
select ‘bravo’ nato_spelling from dual union all
select ‘charlie’ nato_spelling from dual
, my_new_data
as (
select ‘alpha’ nato_spelling from dual union all
select ‘bravo’ nato_spelling from dual union all
select ‘charlie’ nato_spelling from dual
, my_old
as (
select nato_spelling
, row_number() over (partition by nato_spelling order by nato_spelling) rn
from my_old_data
, my_new
as (
select nato_spelling
, row_number() over (partition by nato_spelling order by nato_spelling) rn
from my_new_data
select o.*
, n.*
from my_old o
full outer join my_new n on o.nato_spelling = n.nato_spelling
and o.rn = n.rn
where nvl(o.rn,-1) != nvl (n.rn, -2)