Category Archives: PL/SQL

MySQL and Oracle

Over the last couple of months I have been working on a MySQL based system for my current customer. This made me realize, once again, how easy we can do stuff in an Oracle based system.On one hand this is kind of awkward, not being able to do what you are used to, on the […]

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The other day a friend called me with a question on constraints. “I have a table where the combination of two columns must be unique”. My response was: “Use a Unique Constraint on these two columns”.That should work, however…

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Log errors

Just a quick note of something I ran into at my current assignment. I have to import data from external tables into persistent tables. This proces normally is just inserting data into the table, but sometimes a file can be sent in more than once.

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Polymorphic Table Functions

I have been working on a presentation on Polymorphic Table Functions. During this time I was looking for a real use case for Polymorphic Table Functions. I came up with an example which is not very useful in real life, but very useful to explain the technique. At my current job I came across a […]

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