Monthly Archives: February 2006

Guids as primary keys

Steven Feuerstein wrote a blog post on using Guids in Oracle. One of the things Guids could be used to create a primary key value for a record in the table. How does using this kind of primary keys relate to the speed of your queries. I could imagine that using guids can be slower […]

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Raptor renamed

In one of my previous posts (actually my first post on this blog) I wrote about project Raptor. I think they are almost done with development since they seem to have changed the name to SQL Developer (via). The name can be easily confused with PL/SQL Developer. Maybe that’s just the idea. To get more hits on this product […]

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Handy date functions…

I came across the need to define the first day of next month based on the current systemdate. I can do this using the following code: add_months(to_date(’01’||to_char(sysdate,’MMYYYY’),’DDMMYYYY’),1) But the I remembered that there was a post on the forum with similar date functions. First day of the week: select trunc(sysdate,’IW’) the_date from dual; First day […]

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Keep Alive

Keep Alive is a tool to prevent the screen saver from kicking in. Especially useful when you are watching a DVD on your computer. I have enhanced this tool to enable you to choose the screensaver from the tool. That is especially useful when your sysadmin has disabled the screensaver tab with a policy. I […]

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Glyphs on buttons

In a previous post I wrote about the idea of storing the glyph in the TCollectionItem and then show this on the button, but after some more thought I came to the conclusion that this would mean that I would have to change the entire way the TToolbar works. The TToolbar stores the images in a […]

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