PL/SQL Developer Plug-ins

This page is dedicated to the plug-ins I created for PL/SQL Developer.

Comment Lines: Use this plug-in to (un)comment lines with line comments (–). If you install this Plug-In, you will get additional menu items to comment and uncomment a selection. You can assign shortcut keys to the menus for quick access. [read more]

SaveSeparate: Use this plug-in to save the spec and body of a package in separate files.

Favorites: Use this plug-in to keep your favorite files (scripts) handy all the time.

Compile current: Use this plug-in to compile the current tab.

Reconnect: Use this plug-in to reconnect to the database you were last connected to. For instance after a nigthly shutdown of the database.

Shift tab: Use this plug-in to shift-tab through your code.

Toggle Read-Only: Use this plug-in to toggle the read-only state of your window.

Template: Use this plug-in to use templates like the way the Delphi IDE works.

Code Completion: Use this plug-in to use code completion like the way the Delphi IDE works.

Selection Info: Use this plug-in to get information about your selection in an edit window.

Init Caps: Use this plug-in to change your selected text to Init Caps.


5 thoughts on “PL/SQL Developer Plug-ins

  1. SaveSeparate is an excellent plug-ins it allows me to work with PL/SQL Developer with others which works with Toad and we could share the same CVS. Thank you very much !

  2. Hello,

    I have a problem when trying to add a new template to the list.

    It sais “Access violation of address …. in module ‘template.dll’. Read of address ….”

    Can you help me with that please?

  3. Can I ask for your help to fix this outstanding bug using Comment Lines on 64-bit PL/SQL Developer? When I highlight a paragraph and perform a comment, the last line is always excluded from the comment.

    1. First of all, sorry I missed this.
      Then the answer: If the cursor is at the beginning of the line (before the first character) then that line is excluded from commenting by design. If you want the line to also be commented, move the cursor right one character.

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