If you are, like me, programming in different languages, maybe you have also noticed that you miss certain functions in a language, which are available in a different language. What I am used to do, is either find a function or functions that perform the same task: Delphi: Dec(i);PL/SQL: i := i – 1; or […]
Read moreCategory Archives: Common
Since a couple of days my blog is the target of a spammer in the comments. A quick search on the internet pointed me to Nio's Weblog where I could find the Anti Spam Image plugin for WordPress. So, from now on, when you want to post a comment on one of the items here, […]
Read moreHacked…
My site has been hacked by some group. Fortunately I found out pretty soon after it happened, because one of the users of the PL/SQL Developer users put a notification on the forum. Man, I hate it when this happens. Luckily for me, it was quite easy to repair (I hope I did ;)) and […]
Read moreWindows on Intel Mac
So, it’s finally official. The Intel Mac is allowed to run Windows. With the public beta of boot camp, it is possible to boot both Mac OSX as well as Windows XP. According to the website you will need an Intel based Mac for this. So for all the Windows machines out there, we just […]
Read moreSudoku
Today I came across a link on how to solve sudoku puzzles using sql. It is written in T-SQL in SQLServer2000, but the code is published, so there is no reason for it NOT to be converted to PL/SQL so that it can be used in an Oracle database too ;-).
Today I was browsing through my old favorites and I came across a really nice and short game I used to play just about every day: SET. They have a Daily Puzzle for you to resolve. On this site you can also find a daily puzzle for the some of the other games they have: […]
Read moreRSS feeds
Damn, my feed reader blew up on me today. It lost all my subscriptions. But luckily I was able to find almost all of my subscriptions again, at least my active ones. And even some new ones ;). I need to make sure my subscription list is being backed up, even if it is just […]
Read moreGoogle under fire…
Today I came across two articles on (big) companies starting to attack Google. First one I read was that Oracle Whips Google-like Search into Shape for Enterprises. Oracle says that they found a blind spot that Google has left unexplored. They want to provide a google-like interface for the users to find the information they […]
Read moreOld application, still running…
I just picked up an old application I wrote back in 1995. It has been written in FoxPro and it is still working. This might be a nice application to port to WindowsXP with an Oracle backend. One day. When I have some more time on my hands ;-). For now, the application does what […]
Read moreFun to watch
Statler & Waldorf: From the Balcony. If you’re a movie fan, or a muppet fan, or if you just want to watch some funny stuff.
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