
Last couple of weeks I have been working on an update of the Favorites plugin for PL/SQL Developer. After extensive testing by Erik van Roon, Henk Jan van Wijk and Marcel Hoefs I decided to release it. Hope you like it.

Menu Items


Add Current

Adds the current file to the favorites


Configure the favorites


Show the about window

You can also use the menu items by using the toolbar toolbar


When you select the configure option you are presented with a window with all your favorites.


Here you can rearrange the items by moving them Up (1) or Down (2). Add single files (3) directly from the file system. Or add all files in a specified folder (6). You can also add a Separator (4) between favorites. Separators will be created above the next item, regardless of the value of the submenu. And of course you can Remove (5) an item.

Type the name of the submenu in this box (7) and press the button (8) to add it to your dropdown box (9).

Based on the image prefix (10) the dropdown box (11) is filled with your images.

Other options:

Show full path

Show the full path to the favorite in the menu

Show favorites on mainmenu

Shows you favorites menu on the topmenubar instead of as a submenu in the file menu

To the right of

Choose the menu to the right of which your menu should be displayed (if Show favorites on mainmenu is selected)

Menu item name

The name of your favorites menu

Allow duplicate images

Allow the same image to be used more than once.



You can add your favorites to a (new) toolbar. To do this go through these steps:

Right click an existing button or a menu and choose [CustomizeƝ



Click the NewŠbutton


Type the name of the toolbar in the editbox. Press OK.


On the second tab (commands) scroll down until you find the Plug-in: Favorites v2.3. Here you can select the favorites you want and drag-and-drop them one by one to the desired toolbar (either an existing one or the one just created).



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